I came across a blog post by Chris Dixon titled What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in ten years, and it perfectly captures a trend I’ve been noticing: things that start in small, “weirdo” circles often go mainstream over time. We have seen it… read more
For the longest time, creating a new social media app was impossible. All of the big players we see today started many years ago. Facebook was started 21 years ago. Linkedin 23. Instagram & Pinterest 15.1 By now, they have it all locked down. User needs were largely met, and there was no demand for… read more
Everyone knows that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. While I agree with that, I also believe that we are the average of the 5 activities we spend our time on. For most people, our top 1 activity (other than sleep) is work. Then, the remainder of… read more
I used to think boredom came from external conditions. Like a lack of activity, an unstimulating environment, or simply nothing to occupy the mind. And I believed that we should all be “more bored” because we overstimulate ourselves too much1. But I came across an article about the history of boredom. Turns out boredom is… read more
In math, when a function or equation gives an undefined or infinite result (like dividing by 0), that point is called a singularity. Likewise in physics, a singularity is a point or region where our current physical theories break down and can’t describe what’s happening. Black holes, for example. And today I came across the… read more
I used to say, “Sure, there are a few psychopaths, but most people aren’t inherently bad.” Turns out, there’s a term for this: Hanlon’s Razor. It takes my belief one step further. Most people aren’t malicious — they’re just… incompetent. “People make mistakes. They forget things. They speak without thinking. They prioritize short-term wins over… read more
When I was 17, I used to blog because I wanted to turn it into a business. I hated it. I was doing it for all the wrong reasons, burned out, and decided, “I guess I just don’t enjoy writing.” Fast forward to now, and I have zero intention of making money from this. I… read more