Dividing by 0, Black Holes & Superintelligence 

In math, when a function or equation gives an undefined or infinite result (like dividing by 0), that point is called a singularity.

Likewise in physics, a singularity is a point or region where our current physical theories break down and can’t describe what’s happening. Black holes, for example. 

And today I came across the 1993 article by Vernor Vinge –- The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era 

This time, the term singularity is used to describe a future point where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and changes civilization in ways we can’t predict.

There are a few things that can trigger that. 

But today, many are talking about AI superintelligence. Because (thanks to today’s LLMs), AI is getting pretty damn smart. 

So, according to Vinge and others, the Technological Singularity could occur when AI becomes as intelligent as humans—or even smarter—in every possible way.

Once machines are smarter than us, they could start designing even smarter machines. And they would become capable of things we can’t even imagine. 1

So, it becomes impossible for us to predict what life after the Singularity will look like. 2

  1. Actually I think the movie ‘Her’ did a pretty damn good job of imagining it ↩︎
  2. Wanting to see how this will look like might actually be my motivation to start eating Bryan Johnson’s Super Veggie every day ↩︎